Ariunaa Tserenpil
Ariunaa Tserenpil

Ariunaa Tserenpil & Byamba Sakhya in the OTGO Studio Berlin 2017
Ariunaa Tserenpil & Byamba Sakhya
in the
OTGO Studio Berlin 2017

Ariunaa Tserenpil & Byamba Sakhya in the OTGO Studio Berlin 2017
Ariunaa Tserenpil & Byamba Sakhya & OTGO
in the
OTGO Studio Berlin 2017

Ariunaa Tserenpil

Цэрэнпилийн Ариунаа

Ariunaa Tserenpil is the arts, film & media producer of the Guru Media, a Mongolian based production company with extensive experience in arts administration, advocacy, international co-productions, festival management and training opportunities for emerging young filmmakers for over 20 years. Her career in the arts & film started in 1996 as line-producer of the internationally acclaimed films "State of Dogs" (Brosens & Turmunkh) and "Real Men Eat Meat" (Maria von Heland). Later she was the coordinator and then director (1997 -2002) of the Arts & Culture Programme of the Mongolian Foundation for Open Society (Soros Foundation) to promote contemporary arts in transition society.

In 2002 she has founded the Arts Council of Mongolia, the flagship organization in supporting arts and served as Executive Director till 2015. During her tenure, she initiated and sustained number of international film festivals & training opportunities for local filmmakers including the Interdoc Int’l Documentary Film Festival (Interdoc 1997-1999), Mini Margaret Mead International Documentary Film Festival (2009), Easy Meets West – International Film Festival & Forum (2010) and three editions of the Ulaanbaatar International Film Festival (UBIFF), the biggest international film gathering in Mongolia.

In 2008 she founded with her husband Byamba Sakhya an independent film & media production company called Guru Media and produced internationally acclaimed films like “Passion” & “Remote Control” by Byamba Sakhya, which were selected at more than 30 well known international film festivals and won multiple international & national awards including the New Current Award at Busan IFF 2013, which was the first prestigious award in the last 30 years of the Mongolian film history.

Company Profile:
Guru Media is a Mongolian based production company founded in 2008 by Byamba Sakhya & Ariunaa Tserenpil aims to produce both documentary and feature films. In 2010 the company produced Passion, documentary by Byamba Sakhya with support of PanStar Fund by Asian Network of Documentary, BIFF and supported Visions Sud-Est, Switzerland & Goteborg IFF Fund. In 2013 Guru Media produced Mongolia-Germany-USA a feature film co-production named Remote Control by Byamba Sakhya with support of Prince Clause Fund, Hubert Bals Fund & World Cinema Fund & Mongolian Government.

At this moment Guru Media is in the development of Bedridden & Takhilch – two feature films by Byamba Sakhya.

In 2016 Guru Media established UB Film Lab – a project to empower young independent filmmakers through various training & mentoring opportunities to nurture talents & sustain their passions in filmmaking.

Guru Media

Official Facebook_site of Ariunaa Tserenpil


Ariunaa Tserenpil & Byamba Sakhya in the OTGO Studio Berlin 2017
Ariunaa Tserenpil & Byamba Sakhya in the OTGO Studio Berlin 2017

"Guru Media" компанийн продюсер Ц.Ариунаа
Энэ удаагийн дугаартаа бид Монголын урлагийн зөвлөлийг үүсгэн байгуулагч, “Guru Media” компанийн продюсер Цэрэнпилийн Ариунааг урилаа. “Алсын удирдлага” бүтээлээрээ Бусаны кино наадмаас тэргүүн шагнал хүртсэн найруулагч С.Бямба, Ц.Ариунаа нарын байгуулсан “Guru Media” ирэх даваа гарагт “Хэвтрийн хүн” хэмээх шинэхэн бүтээлээ олонд толилуулахаар бэлдэж буй. СГЗ Г.Аюурзанын бэсрэг романд суурилсан эл кино нь Каннын кино наадмын “Le Atelier” хэсэгт шалгарсан, кино сонирхогчдыг удаан хүлээлгэсэн бүтээл юм. Физикийн мэргэжилтэй ч соёл урлагийн салбарт буурь засаж, өнөөг хүртэл 20 гаруй жил зүтгэж буй тэрээр урлагийн талаарх монголчуудын ойлголтын цар хүрээг тэлж, соёл урлагийн тэргүүлэх наадмуудын түүчээ болж, дэлхийн чансааны уран бүтээлүүдтэй эх орондоо танилцах боломжийг бидэнд нээж өгсөн билээ:

Монголын Урлагийн Зөвлөлийн гүйцэтгэх захирал Цэрэнпилийн Ариунаа
YouTube link:

Jargal Defacto

1000 Portraits
12 February 2022, Berlin

Mongolian Art